Friday, December 30, 2011

Purge basics

When to use the different purge techniques

Instance can be purged in 5 different techniques

1. Using EM UI delete with options
2. Using purge scripts (loop purge and parallel purge)
3. Using Purge By Composite DN.
4. Using DB Partial partitioning concept
5. Using DB Full partitioning concept

How do we decide which purging strategy we need to use
1.Using EM UI delete with options :
This option is used when we have ~ 10000 instances in the DB

2.Using purge scripts (loop purge and parallel purge):
Loop purge : use this if there are more than greater then 100k and less than 2 million records
Parallel purge : use this if there are more than greater then 2 million record and less then 500 million records

3. Using Purge By Composite DN:
Here we try to use loop purge or parallel purge to purge instances of a specific composite,
Purge based on composite_dn would be supported by adding additional parameters - composite_name , composite_revision and soa_partition_name to the existing API's.

4.Using DB Full partitioning concept
Installations which generate more than 10GB of data per day OR retain more than 500GB of data

5.Using DB Partial partitioning concept
Long-running processes (over months) - Use a combination of Parallel purge and Partitioning( e.g. daily purge, monthly dropping partitions)

Instance state that can be purged
1. Completed
2. Completed-Faulted
3. Terminated
4. Stale
Instance state that cannot be purged
1. Running
2. Running-Faulted
3. RecoveryRequired

NOTE: Different table in SOAINFRA schema has different state representation, this will be explained in different blog

Disclaimer: The views expressed on this blog are solely our own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Oracle.

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